Everyone has their own interpretation of courage and I would like to share what I think courage means. To me, courage means to do something that you are afraid of doing, doing something that you think you wouldn't actually do, or have never done before. It means to overcome your fear really. If you are a type of person who is very shy, then courage to that person is maybe speaking up or being a leader. During my camp field trip, I was very scared to go abseiling. I have never done it before and the cliff was about 30 feet! It took me a long time to decide to do it or not but I eventually did it. After I finished abseiling i felt so happy that i actually overcame my fear. It just felt so good and I'm sure if other people overcome their fear they will also feel happy! Another thing that would take a lot of courage for me to do is to make a speech in front of everyone with everyone listening and looking at you. I've always been scared to make a speech because at times I mess up my words and I just start to get so nervous. Aaaahhhh!! One day i will try to overcome that fear. This is my interpretation of courage. What's yours???!!!